Home Entertainment Unseen video from this year’s “Atopa” festival at Gomoa Fetteh in the...

Unseen video from this year’s “Atopa” festival at Gomoa Fetteh in the Central Region


The “Atopa” festival is an annual festival celebrated in September by the people of Gomoa Fetteh and its surroundings in the Central Region of Ghana.

Just like every other year, the customs and norms of the people as exemplified in their weird festival dance were proudly exhibited.

The “atopa” dance allows for men to pick any woman and dance with her. These men are allowed to hold, caress and smooch her backside and other vital parts of the woman’s body.

According to custom, the lady must not resist any attempt by any man to dance with her. The “Atopa” festival has been questioned in recent years, but it appears the people of Gomoa Fetteh are poised to carry on with their agelong custom.

Videos from this year’s “Atopa” festival give an account of rather exuberant youth who have taken advantage of the festivities to grind the bum of women…sometimes, molesting, manhandling and cajoling these women in order to have the vantage part of their helpless bodies.

These women were also upbeat about the festival as most of them positioned their bums perpendicular to the proportionate position of the men. All this while, the drums beat with force sending invigorating vibes into the waists of these dancers to help them partake actively in the “Atopa” dance.

A sight to behold.

Check Out Video Below: