Home Entertainment Date Rush: Koobi shades Kim on social media after a failed relationship

Date Rush: Koobi shades Kim on social media after a failed relationship


It appears Koobi, one of the participants of Date Rush season 3 is still nursing his broken heart after his match, Kim jinxed him live on TV by announcing that she is single and not ready to continue with him. 

Her excuse was that Koobi disturbs her a lot with unwanted calls all the time, she also behaves like a father to her. She said she is not ready to tolerate that. 

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One would expect that the drama ended right on Tv, but a search on the ex-lovers’ social media pages suggests they are now throwing sub at each other. 

“We make wet relationship dry #KoobiGeng ?? #daterush #eyeme” Koobi tweeted in apparent reaction to what Kim said about her reasons for not wanting to continue. 

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On her page, Kim tweeted it is so unfortunate that the vibes has turned to become Koobi. 

Soon afterwards, she was scolded by some followers who cautioned her that it is unnecessary. 

Source: Operanews

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