Home Lifestyle 4 Reasons Why You Should Start Drinking More Coconut Milk

4 Reasons Why You Should Start Drinking More Coconut Milk


Coconut milk is milk gotten from coconut. It is a non-dairy milk option that is rich in proteins, calcium, vitamins, iron and magnesium. According to Medical News Today, coconut milk has the following health benefits:

1. Antimicrobial properties

Coconut milk contains lauric acid which has antimicrobial properties. Drinking coconut milk can help boost your immune system and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus. Lauric acid also causes cell death in breast cells and this can be helpful in preventing cancer cell growth.

2. Aids weight loss

Coconut milk contains medium-chain triglycerides which help to reduce body weight, increase insulin sensitivity and induce feeling of fullness after eating. All these put together aids in weight loss and weight management.

3. Promotes heart health

Lauric acid found in coconut milk helps to promote heart health by preventing heart disease and stroke. According to Healthline, research carried out shows that coconut milk helps to raise good cholesterol levels which is beneficial for heart health.

4. Antioxidant properties

Antioxidants help in boosting your immunity and protecting you from diseases. coconut milk contains an antioxidant known as phenols. Due to its antioxidant properties, drinking coconut milk helps to eliminate free radicals in the body. free radicals are waste products from metabolism and other body processes that can trigger critical health conditions like cancer if left in the body for too long.

You can purchase coconut milk from stores, however, some store-bought coconut milk can contain preservatives and sweeteners that can be harmful for your health. To avoid that, you can make your own coconut milk at home. There are lots of recipes online that you can follow to make your own homemade organic coconut milk.

You can use coconut milk in your meals, a common dish that is prepared with coconut milk is coconut milk. Asides from dishes, you can add coconut milk to your cereal, tea, coffee, oatmeal and smoothies for a healthy tasty taste.