Home Lifestyle 5 Natural Ways To Treat A Runny Nose

5 Natural Ways To Treat A Runny Nose


If you’re suffering from a runny nose, you might be tempted to reach for over-the-counter medications. However, natural remedies are also a good option. According to Healthline, a runny nose is not always an indication of a cold.

Sometimes, it can just be a result of allergies. It’s hard to feel your best when you’re constantly sniffling and sneezing, caused by allergies or a sinus infection.

If you are looking for an easy way to clear your sinuses without going to the doctor, first make sure that you are not suffering from any other conditions that might be causing your runny nose. The following are natural remedies to treat it:

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1. Mix vinegar with water, sage with water, or honey with lemon juice in a cup. Gargle it for a natural remedy that can help you relieve symptoms of a runny nose. This will help to clear your sinuses.

2. You can use salt water or eucalyptus oil. Place a few drops of eucalyptus oil on a cotton ball and inhale it for relief. Mix one tablespoon of salt into one cup of hot water and place a towel on your head and nose to keep the steam from the water in place. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then rinse your face with cold water.

3. You can use tea bags. Soak a tea bag in hot water for 10 minutes, then place it over your nose for 10 minutes before removing it. This natural remedy can help you treat the symptoms of a runny nose.

4. Make sure you stay hydrated by drinking lots of water. You can drink hot tea or take herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties. This will help humidify your nasal duct and reduce congestion.

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5. A runny nose is often the first sign of a cold or allergy. The mucus drains from the sinuses and throat, causing congestion and inflammation. It can be difficult to breathe, and the throat may feel scratchy.

You can try taking a hot bath to loosen the mucus and clear your sinuses. This can make it easier for you to breathe. You can do a warm compress on your chest and nose to ease congestion. If you want to eat, try eating spicy food, as this can help to open up your nasal passages.

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