Tamar Braxton has taken to her Twitter account to share the panic she felt when she thought she contracted COVID-19. Fortunately, she tested negative but that didn’t stop the “Braxton Family Values” alum from detailing the whole thing on social media on Wednesday, December 2.
She began her story by asking, “Y’all wanna hear a funny but real story??” She then added in a separate tweet, “so, I got sick yesterday. My nose was running, i was sneezing, i had chills, I felt hot then cold.. ya know all the omg, this is the Rona signs… really felt worse than what i wanted to say outloud but you get me… I go to work anyway, and when I come back from my office I go to call my mama…”
“she left and went to Toni. Logan is in his room playing video games and he’s like I’m hungry…mind you I feel HORRIBLE.. I’m low key scared that I have the Rona…so I go into my room by myself and Logan says he’s hungry.. I call 5 people to help me,” she continued, but “NO ONE CAME!!” Referring to Vincent Herbert, Tamar went on recalling, “i called Logan’s father to come and get him cause I can’t help him. he don’t come in the house to pick him up.. he’s out side. Logan is like ‘dad can you help me get my things’? His dad said NO!!!! I’m like wtf??.. so he leaves and I’m home alone STARVING & weak.”
The R&B singer later mentioned that while her friend sent her some medicine through Uber, “NO ONE came to help in person cause they all think I have the Rona…and low key i do too…” Tamar also shared that her mom Evelyn Braxton refused to “stay on FaceTime long cause she thought she was going to catch it through the phon [sic].. I knew the doctor was coming in the morning.”
Despite everything Tamar said that she was “trying to remain calm and positive but FREAKING OUT in the inside….. all while I’m feeling like a ton of bricks was on my head. I’m weak AF, hungry and i holding my pee for an hour cause the bathroom seems to be light years away.”
Later when the doctor came, she underwent a rapid test, which was her second test that week and it came back negative. “But I’m still sick AF..Do u know, thT my mama came back, Logan is on his way, people wanna come over to see me?? The moral of the story is the RONA is real,” she concluded her message before urging people to wear mask and sending praying to those who are suffering from coronavirus.