Home Entertainment Repented Slay Queen Reveals How She Slept With 5,000 Men Using Juju...

Repented Slay Queen Reveals How She Slept With 5,000 Men Using Juju (Video)


A repented slay queen has made a very shocking revelation about how she managed to sleep with close to 5000 men during the time she was plying her trade as a professional slay queen.

In an interview on Okay FM’s Ekwansodwoodwoo with Bongo Depharaa the lady who identified herself as Queen Sandra indicated that her shambolic lifestyle began when she started sleeping with boys at the age of eight at the cemetery moments after her mother passed away in their village.

She further said she journeyed to Ghana’s capital, Accra to practice prostitution as a slay queen after she secured a job at a night club

She also revealed that most slay Queens out there have secret weapons they use in charming rich men into sleeping with them.

” I have a group of ladies I used to work with and sometimes we will go for powers under the sea where we will be given snakes to put in our private parts so that any man we slept with will do whatever we wanted”. she said.

“Some of the black magic we go for come in the form of waist beads, anklets, rings, make-up and even lipstick. Sometimes we go as far as use certain types of waist beads to prevent these men from ejaculating especially when we dislike them”. She added.

Miss Sandra also went ahead to add that the men she slept with included MPs, Musicians, drug lords, fraud  boys and others.