Home Lifestyle Ladies; Never Ignore These Warning Signs During Your Period

Ladies; Never Ignore These Warning Signs During Your Period


One of the main indicators for women’s health is their periods. Right period cycles of 28 days, high levels of bleeding for the first three days, reduced bleeding in the fourth and fifth day is a signs that a woman is healthy.

For some women, it can extend for 7 days. These are the signs of normal periods. But the color of bleeding, the quantity of released blood, and the time duration between two consecutive periods, when these factors start to divert from what we assume as normal, could be a sign of a health issue. These are the major warning signs you should be looking for during periods.

Excessive and denser bleeding during periods could be a sign that endometriosis tissue present in the uterus is getting dissolved into the blood. It is a must to consult a Doctor regarding this problem. This problem can be easily treated with medications. If medications don’t help, Doctors might opt for a biopsy test to deduce the severity of the disease and treat it accordingly.

Periods could come to a halt in some women without any reason. They might have their periods after a certain time frame. We call this problem secondary Amenorrhoea. This could be a result of hormone imbalance. These women must undergo a hormone test and proceed with further treatment options. In some women, the uterus would have ceased to grow from birth.


For some, periods will be accompanied by high levels of pain. One of the main reasons for excessive pain could be fibroid tumors. Periods could happen at 20 days cycles instead of 28 due to this problem. When fibroid tumors increase in size, there will be an excessive bleeding problem. This problem should be treated with professional help and the fibroids should be removed.


For some women, pregnancy will be confirmed with a urine test, but after some days they will start to bleed gradually. When this happens it is necessary to take a scan to check whether the fetus is healthy or it has dissolved. Additionally, these women must be under strict Doctor’s guidance during a future pregnancy. Just in case if the fetus has dissolved, then it is necessary to find out the reason for it and treat it accordingly.

Bad smell?

Be Cautious. Bleeding during periods could include an unpleasant odor for some women. This should not be ignored carelessly. It should be brought to Doctor’s attention and treated properly. This can happen to people with Endometriosis cancer. These people will have irregular period cycles of 15 to 20 days. It can lead to anemia.

Bleeding after Sex.

In some women, bleeding can occur after sexual intercourse. This could be a sign of infection or cancer. So bring it to the attention of a Doctor immediately and take appropriate tests to know the reason.