Home Job Vacancies Job Update At United Nations Development Programme

Job Update At United Nations Development Programme


Here is the latest Job Update At United Nations Development Programme. They are hiring a Junior Analyst. It is important to note that this position is available to nationals of Ghana only.

Duties and Responsibilities:

SDGs are genuinely interlinked with service provision at the local level. Across the world, many cities are transforming their approach to service provision. Taking inspiration from the broad spectrum of targets and indicators offered by SDG, cities are introducing innovative practices and rebuilding the concept of social contract from the local level.

The Junior Analyst will support the UNDP global learning network on Municipal innovation in public services and how cities are using SDGs as planning tools, generating and sharing knowledge about how cities are developing new inclusive public services to achieve the SDGs targets and indicators.

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The Junior Analyst will work with the UNDP-UN SDG Action Campaign Network to:

  • Facilitate the exchange of experiences amongst participating local governments;
  • Identify similar experiences worldwide, analyze public policies and share technical expertise with the UNDP beneficiary cities globally;
  • Analyze data and generate knowledge assets;
  • Support project implementation and replication of experiences of local governments wishing to use the SDGs as tools for innovative public service delivery;
  • Provide technical support to the implementation of the Global Mayors Challenge in Kumasi, Ghana;
  • Prepare and implement needs assessment for beneficiary local and regional governments;
  • Facilitate the preparation and review of training resource materials;
  • Prepare any relevant documents to support the necessary capacity development activities;
  • Prepare a monitoring framework for the status, results, and milestones for the capacity development;
  • Identify and map different resource persons and institutions working on similar issues worldwide;
  • Identify and facilitate documentation of human impact stories, good case studies, project success, challenges and innovative models;
  • Facilitation of knowledge building and management, producing and disseminating lessons learnt from designated projects and support to the promotion of cross-project, cross-unit knowledge
  • Any other task assigned by the supervisor.

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