Home Entertainment I Put the Men I Date on a Ninety Days Schedule—Freelove

I Put the Men I Date on a Ninety Days Schedule—Freelove


Portia Yayrah Freelove, popularly known as Freelove of date rush fame in an interview with Zionfelix disclosed she has a ninety days schedule she puts the men she dates on.

She explained she doesn’t want to regret anything in a relationship. Because of this, she needs to study her partner well before she can move on to the next step with the person.

She stated dating does not mean you are in a relationship with your partner. But it means, both parties are getting to know each other. If they both get to know each other better, they can decide to enter into a relationship on their own convenience .

Furthermore, she revealed the youth are in a mess when it comes to relationships. Hence, her idea of drawing a schedule for a guy before they enter into a relationship.

She stated she has dated two guys. And they were all put on her ninety days schedule. She revealed she doesn’t tell her partners that they are on her schedule. She admitted she nearly forewent some of the items on her schedule for a guy. But she was swift to notice the guy wasn’t good.

She revealed no sex on her dates until she decides to do it.

Ladies do you think putting a guy on a ninety day schedule is a good idea? Share your views in the comment section.