Home Entertainment How to clean the vagina after sex

How to clean the vagina after sex


The vagina is a flexible canal that connects the vaginal opening to the cervix. People often confuse the vagina with the vulva, which is the external part of the female genitalia. The vagina is self-cleaning, and there is no need to clean it immediately after sex. However, this might be some people’s preference.

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According to MedicalNewToday, there are several possible ways to clean the vagina after sex. The most straightforward way is to wash the vaginal area gently with warm water.

The American Sexual Health Association (ASHA) recommend using mild, unscented soap around the vaginal area. It is best to avoid perfumed soaps as these can cause irritation by disturbing the pH level of the vagina.

Some people may consider douching the vagina, which involves squirting a jet of water into it with a shower douche or bottle. However, doctors do not recommend Trusted Source douching under any circumstances. Research suggests that it reduces the number of healthy bacteria in the vagina, potentially leading to various health issues.