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Foods That Can Kill The Spèrm That Men Should Avoid Eating On Regular Basis


For men, their diet can have a great influence on their fertility and they need to pay special attention to their food intake in order to improve the quality and quantity of their sperm. There are several types of food that can damage the spèrm, making it harder for a man to become a father. Studies have revealed that certain types of food can decrease the spèrm count, motility, and morphology, leading to infertility. These foods, if consumed on a regular basis, can have a dramatic impact on a man’s fertility. Thus, it is important for men to be aware of these food items and take necessary measures to avoid them.

Processed Meat

According to healthline, Processed meats such as sausages, hot dogs, and salami are loaded with additives and preservatives that can increase the risk of infertility. Research has shown that men who consumed processed meat regularly had lower spèrm count and concentration than those who ate it in moderation or not at all. Processed meat is high in cholesterol and saturated fat, which can cause damage to the follicles and spèrm. The salt content in these processed meats can also harm the fertility by raising blood pressure and damaging the follicles.


Excessive consumption of alcohol on a regular basis can have an adverse effect on a man’s reproductive health. Alcohol can cause severe damage to the testicles and associated structures, leading to low spèrm count and motility. Alcohol also causes hormonal imbalance, leading to fertility problems. One of the most common causes of male infertility is alcohol-induced oxidative stress, which impairs the quality of the spèrm. Moreover, consuming more than two drinks a day has been associated with a decrease in spèrm count and quality.

Soy Products

Soy products are rich in phytoestrogens, which can disrupt the hormonal balance in the body. Studies have revealed that men who consume large quantities of soy products have significantly lower levels of testosterone, a male sèx hormone that is essential for fertility. Soy can also interfere with spèrm motility, which can make it difficult for them to reach the egg. Additionally, soy can reduce sperm count, which can make conception difficult or even impossible.

Fast Food

Fast food is considered one of the worst offenders when it comes to male fertility. Research has shown that men who regularly consume fast food have a lower sperm count and motility than those who do not. Fast food is usually high in unhealthy fats, sodium, and additives, all of which can have an adverse effect on spèrm health. Moreover, many of these items are deep fried and contain trans-fats, which can increase the risk of infertility.

Organic Fruits and Vegetables

Organic fruits and vegetables are the best sources of micronutrients that help boost fertility. They contain minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and selenium, which are vital for reproductive health. Men who consume organically grown produce on a regular basis have higher sperm count, motility, and morphology than those who do not. Additionally, these foods are also low in calories, meaning they can help men maintain an optimal weight and prevent obesity, which can lead to infertility.


Coffee has been linked to fertility problems in men. Studies have shown that men who drink more than three cups of coffee a day are more likely to have lower spèrm counts, motility, and morphology than those who consume less than this amount. Caffeine, one of the main components of coffee, can act as a stimulant and cause raised cortisol levels, which can damage spèrm quality.

In conclusion, there are certain types of food that can decrease fertility in men. Processed meat, alcohol, soy products, fast food, and coffee have all been linked to male infertility. To maximize their reproductive potential, men should avoid these foods and focus on consuming organic fruits and vegetables, which contain essential micronutrients that can increase spèrm count and motility.