Does Your Body Itch After You Take A Bath? This Is The Reason Why And How To Stop It.


    After each bath you take, almost everyone at one point or the other experiences itching. This is not a health problem that can scare and get you worried, even though it has been exaggerated by so many people.

    One of the most common causes of itching, especially after a bath, is skin dryness. It is also important to remember that dry air, hot water, and certain soaps will reduce some of the most important essential oils and nutrients required to keep the skin safe, leaving it dry and itchy.

    When your skin gets dry, it becomes excessively sensitive and scratching triggers, I’m in some cases, it can get really bad for you.

    You can regulate it and stop it, no matter how dangerous this disorder might be.

    Here are ways to avoid this itching state after a bath.


    Try always to make your body dry instead of toweling or rubbing off your body’s sweat. This will help the body maintain moisture.

    So, after every bath try not to rinse off all the water on your body after bath.

    Apply your hydrating agent to your skin when your body is still warm. This will help to maintain skin moisture and block openings that can result in body itching.

    And try using oil-free and less harsh moisturizers particularly if you know your skin is prone to acne.

    If you experience scratching regularly after a bath and no rash on your skin then it’s time for you to change your soap. Go for mild soaps, with less hypoallergic content. Humidifying soaps are capable of reducing dry skin symptoms.

    You have to change the style you take your bath in as well. Do not take long steamy showers, as your skin may become parched.

    With moderate water temperature, go for short shower time and your skin will look good without itchiness.

    As part of your bath routine take advantage of essential oils. If you particularly dilute the essential oil with almond oil or jojoba oil, the symptoms of itching will be reduced and completely removed.

    Do drink water more often, at least eight cups or more of water per day. Especially if you have dry skin this will keep your skin hydrated.

    I hope these tips will help you bring your skin back to life and make you feel good about yourself. Try applying them to the skin when scratching appears to be severe or less severe.