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Warning Signs Of Low Blood Count & Foods You Should Eat To Normalize The Condition


A blood count is the total number of blood cells that circulate throughout a person’s body, as determined by a lab examination of a blood sample. Three types of cells are analysed by the doctor in the sample: red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

The bone marrow fails to produce enough of a certain type of cell, which results in a low blood count. Anaemia is a term used in medicine to describe low blood counts. For the purpose of detecting a low blood count, doctors will complete a comprehensive blood count test. A blood smear, also known as a microscope examination of the cells, will be performed by the physician if a patient has a low red, white, or platelet count.

According to Center For Disease Control, below are 4 symptoms of low blood count and foods you eat regularly to treat it.

1. Fatigue.

An unusual level of fatigue throughout the day is one of anaemia’s most obvious symptoms. Anxiety, irritability, and general weakness are brought on by low iron levels. Combining a high-iron meal with a vitamin C supplement to help with absorption will help you consume more iron.

2. Brittle Nails.

Patients with anaemia have brittle, broken nails. People who are anaemic have spoon-shaped nails, with the middle lowering in more severe cases and the edges rising above. Avoiding such a dangerous circumstance is essential.

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3. Heart Palpitations.

An irregular heartbeat goes hand in hand with a prolonged condition of anaemia. The irregular heartbeat is caused by the heart not receiving enough oxygen. The patient could become anxious as a result.

4. Cramping and Tingling in Limbs.

The enormous muscles in the legs need a lot of blood and oxygen to function effectively. They exert extra effort because of oxygen deprivation, which results in fatigue, weakened muscles, severe cramps, and restless leg syndrome (RLS), which can induce insomnia.

Patients who are anaemic could have itching or a crawling sensation in their legs and feet, which can get worse at night.

Foods can help you restore a normal blood count.

1 Spinach.

While still being low in calories, spinach offers a broad number of health advantages. A serving of 3.5 ounces of raw spinach contains at least 2.7 milligrammes of iron. While the majority of this is non-heme iron, which the body has trouble absorbing, spinach also has a high vitamin C content. This is essential because it has been demonstrated that vitamin C enhances iron absorption.

2. Pumpkin Seeds.

A delightful snack that also happens to be a rich source of iron is pumpkin seeds. 2.5 milligrammes of iron are present in one ounce of pumpkin seeds. Pumpkins may be readily mixed with other meals to make a delicious and nourishing dinner that will increase your body’s absorption of iron.

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3. Legumes.

Legumes contain a lot of iron. Some of the most common legumes include beans, lentils, and chickpeas. A half-cup portion of cooked beans contains 1.8 grammes of iron. Numerous studies have demonstrated the protective effects of legumes against heart disease in people with metabolic syndrome. Legumes can also aid with weight loss. They include a lot of fibre, which may prolong your feeling of fullness.

4. Organ meat.

Popular organ types that contain a lot of iron include the brain, liver, heart, and kidneys. For instance, a serving of beef liver weighing 100 grammes contains 6.5 milligrammes of iron. Choline, vitamin A, and selenium are just a few of the nutrients that are abundant in organ meats.