Home Lifestyle How to get rid of bad breath with clove

How to get rid of bad breath with clove


Bad breath can be quite frustrating and having a fresh breath is one of the things everyone desire. Many people might be searching for what they can use to get this especially natural remedies. if you are one of them you have found something here. Clove is a natural herb that can help with this.

In this article, bad breath killing properties of clove would be discussed and also how to use it to achieve them.

Clove for killing bad breath

Cloves are rich in eugenol which has anti-bacterial properties. This natural antibacterial properties cloves possess can help clean the mouth in turn freshen the breath and getting rid of foul odour, they can also fight bad bacteria that causes cavities. According to Medical News Today researchers found that mouth rinse that contains clove decreased the number of harmful bacteria more than the commercial mouth rinse.

How to use clove to kill bad breath

This can be done in two ways:

1.You can simply chew pieces of cloves.

2. You can add few pieces of clove in boiled water and allow to simmer for 5-10 minutes, then you either drink it or use it as a mouth wash twice a day.

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