Home Lifestyle 4 Fruits That Can Cause High Blood Sugar And Diabetes If Consumed...

4 Fruits That Can Cause High Blood Sugar And Diabetes If Consumed On A Regular Basis


One of the major global killers is a disease called diabetes. More than a thousand Americans lose their lives every year to diabetes, despite the fact that its exact mortality toll is not well-studied. Since its inception, the topic of whether or not diabetics can benefit from eating fruits has sparked considerable debate.

Healthline reports that some fruits can be beneficial to diabetics’ health, but that not all fruits share this quality. In this post, I’ll discuss four fruits that, when consumed in large quantities, can increase the risk of developing diabetes by significantly elevating blood sugar levels. Here is a list of them:

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Ripped Bananas

Bananas are a fantastic fruit for diabetics, especially agriculturally grown bananas, which are larger and have less sugar. Overripe bananas pose a health risk for people with diabetes because of the spike in sugar levels they create.


Delicious and nutrient-dense, fruits like pineapples are a great addition to any diet. However, they could be dangerous for diabetics. The high glycemic index of pineapples has been demonstrated to affect diabetics.

Perhaps you have diabetes and are concerned about the fruit’s suitability as a diet option. Although 100% orange juice is rich in vitamins and minerals, it fails to deliver on the fiber that is essential for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. In addition, the high GI of orange juice, together with its common pairing with other high-carbohydrate foods, can increase the risk of hyperglycemia. Diabetics should therefore moderate their consumption.

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Watermelon is an essential part of a healthy diet. Because watermelon is so well-known for being incredibly nutrient-dense. However, studies show that people who have been diagnosed with excessive blood sugar levels should avoid eating this fruit. As a fruit with a high glycemic index, watermelon poses a serious threat to diabetics.