Home Lifestyle 3 Healthy Foods Women Should Eat to Prevent Some Medical Conditions

3 Healthy Foods Women Should Eat to Prevent Some Medical Conditions


Are you aware that there are certain super foods women are advised to eat often for the sake of preventing some health issues from coming their ways? Women are usually more fragile than men and have many health conditions lined up in wait that could affect them such as cancer of the breast, irritable bowel syndrome and many other issues that are sometimes less common in men.

So in this article in line with a publication on WebMD, we are going to have a look at some of the healthy foods women should eat to prevent some medical conditions to a good extent. Just sit tight and enjoy this article while learning something new.

What Are The Healthy Foods Women Should Eat to Prevent Some Medical Conditions?

1. Low fat yogurt is great for women. The reason is that yogurt contains probiotics which has been known to keep the digestive tract healthy, lowering the risk of irritable bowel syndrome and many other issues that pertain the digestive system. Studies have also linked intake of low fat yogurt the lower risk of breast cancer.

2. Fatty fishes such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardine etc should also be consumed often by women. The reason is that, fatty fishes contain two types of healthy fats and they are; docosahexaenoic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid which are super healthy and useful when it comes to regulating blood pressure, preventing heart diseases, boosting general health and well-being. So women are advised to eat fatty fishes often.

3. Beans – this is another super food for women. The reason is that beans contain protein to a high extent and also plays a role in preventing breast cancer and heart diseases when consumed often. The fiber in beans would also help keep the digestive tract healthy and sugar level regulated for long. So there’s need for every woman to add these to her daily food choices in order to promote good health.