Home Lifestyle 3 Big Mistakes Women Make When Texting Men

3 Big Mistakes Women Make When Texting Men


In our dispensation one of the easiest way of communicating is text messaging. It’s obvious that many couples use this medium to communicate more in their daily routine.

But the truth of the matter is just as through text messaging some distance and within relationships are deepening in love, there are also those whose relationships are broken or at the edge of breaking due to the same text message.

However the most frustrating is when a guy meet a lady and exchange mobile numbers without him expressing love to the lady.


Then to see him gradually losing his interest in you at the thread of messages that you send him.

In any case, if today you are like most women, you are probably committing one (or some) of the errors that I will reveal to you below.

Texting a man can be a big headache. Women mostly think about;

“What to write to him?” »

« What does his last SMS mean? “

” How long should I wait before answering? “

The worst part is when a man suddenly stops responding to you and “disappears” overnight

In a situation like this most women always ends up wondering why the guy has stopped sending her message when she hasn’t done anything wrong.

Well, know that this painful situation is often related to one of the 3 mistakes that I will explain below.

These mistakes are subtle. But they have the potential to kill the attraction that a man feels for you in one nothing time.

1.Looking Boring

What women should keep in mind is when a man gives you his number, he does not sign a contract in which he undertakes to see you again.

And as long as he does not say that to see you again, he is under any obligation to be writing or replying your messages.

When you send a message to a guy with the question like; why haven’t you been replying my messages?

He may intentionally not rely because you too strict in your message. He will potentially prefer to spend time with another contender, with his friends or at work.

And you are wondering why he has still not replied to your message after questioning him.

Here are some signs that you are NOT fun to be communicating with.

* You are too formal with messages like: “Hello, I was happy to meet you on Tuesday’.

This sounds like you are pressuring him to answer your message or you are really expecting a reply from him by all means.

* You bombard him with questions, as formal as he is being interview for a job.

Remember that if you want a man you have just exchange numbers to respond to your text message, you must make your message lovely for him to love to reply very fast in other for the texting to continue.

This will let spend time to chat with you and even forget his daily routine.

2. Coming Out of the Lot

Now here’s a sad truth, If you are texting with a good man, be sure of the fact that you are not the only lady he is been chatting with. Frankly speaking a good man is in demand.

So if you want to stand out, your messages must highlight your personality, your “style”.

The content of your message should be recognize your style and know that this message is coming from you after reading without seeing your name on his phone.

So what words, expressions, punctuation, or emojis characterize you?

3. Having Excessively Long Exchanges

My dear sister I guess you know that smartphone conversations are totally different from face-to-face conversations.

Your exchange of messages should be equivalent to a summary of the highlights of a traditional conversation.

This means that you have to purge all boring or unpleasant moments and formalities from your SMS conversations. 

However, the more you communicate with a man by messages, the more you are likely to fall into one of these registers to avoid.

Whenever you grab your smartphone, go straight to the fun and interesting things. Anecdotes, a private joke, a funny nickname etc.

Never tell a man too soon how you feel about him.

Find a way to arouse an emotion in the man you like, so that he gives you his full attention.

This is where other lovely words will follow. Do not scare a man with your text message.

And if the man finds you interesting, he will demand to make a date with you at a movie theater, a restaurant, beach or any other place of interest.

I wish you the best in your text messaging.