Home Entertainment Young lady who acted as a nurse when she was a child...

Young lady who acted as a nurse when she was a child finally becomes a nurse in real life (photos)


The lady shared a childhood photo of herself acting in a play as a nurse in a post on her personal handle @naa mayaa.

See the following post

She was dressed in her nursing uniform in another attached photo, indicating that she fulfilled the role she played in the drama when she was a young girl.

naa_mayaa a lady who achieved childhood dream of becoming a nurse

See comments below:

@koo_kissi poured out his heart saying: Damn you really glowed up…but I’m more interested in how the hairline of the boy lying down is going…Smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat

@forson999 also mentioned that: You started well and ended as a nurse assistant

@EbenezerAduAgy4 congratulated the young nurse saying: Well done Thumbs up, keep it up and don’t be like the others

@Pope_Cee also mentioned that: Awww so beautiful… dream come true