Home Entertainment “Until Sark Approaches Me, Im Not Getting Involved In Bring Back Azonto...

“Until Sark Approaches Me, Im Not Getting Involved In Bring Back Azonto Agenda”. – Gasmilla


Azonto, which people associate it more to the dance than a music genre has amassed some sudden popularity in Ghana since the reigning king of Gh rap, Sarkodie decided to pioneer a conscious agenda to Bring Back Azonto.

While most of our young acts like Kofi Mole, DopeNation, Mr. Drew to mention a few have shown a great deal of excitement about this movement and their willingness to get a verse from Sarkodie to push the Agenda, other big names like Keche and EL have also been involved one way or the other either through approaching Sarkodie or being approached by Sarkodie.

READ ALSO: Sarkodie Champions “Bring Back Azonto” Agenda With FahookiMe

However, one artist who seems not to share in the Bring back Azonto idea since in his opinion Azonto was never dead to be brought back is Gasmilla. According to him, in spite of the low buzz around the genre, he has still been perpetuating it with some songs mostly enjoyed by his fans along the coastal areas.

Speaking to Sammyflex on Showbiz Daily, when asked why he hasn’t shown any enthusiasm about the Bring Back Azonto Agenda, Gasmilla replied that “Until Sark approaches me, I’m not getting involved in bringing back azonto agenda.” This got many viewers of the show talking since they thought he would rather be thrilled by the attention given to the genre than protocols of seniority.

READ ALSO: “I’m one of Sarkodie’s favorite artists that why he keeps collaborating with me”.- Efya

This, of course, has got people doubting the solidification of the movement in Ghana since the artists cannot come together as one to push the same agenda and are only interested in being titled the King, Queen, originator, etc. of the genre.

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