The Benefit of Eggs That You May Not Know


    Contain Choline — an Important Nutrient That Most People Don’t Get Enough Of Choline is a nutrient that many people are unaware of, despite the fact that it is an extremely important substance that is frequently grouped with the B vitamins. Because the symptoms of choline deficiency are severe, it is fortunately uncommon. Whole eggs are a good source of choline. A single egg contains over 100 mg of this vital nutrient. Choline is used to build cell membranes and plays a role in the production of signaling molecules in the brain, among other things.

    Are Associated with a Lower Risk of Heart Disease

    LDL cholesterol is commonly referred to as “bad” cholesterol. It is well understood that having high LDL levels is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. However, many people are unaware that LDL is classified into subtypes based on particle size. There are two types of LDL particles: small, dense LDL particles and large LDL particles.

    Many studies have found that people with predominantly small, dense LDL particles are more likely to develop heart disease than those with predominantly large LDL particles. Even though eggs may cause a mild increase in LDL cholesterol in some people, studies show that the particles change from small, dense to large LDL, which is a good thing.

    Contain Lutein and Zeaxanthin, which are antioxidants with significant benefits for eye health.

    One of the consequences of aging is that one’s eyesight deteriorates. Several nutrients can help to combat some of the degenerative processes that can affect our eyes. Lutein and zeaxanthin are two of these. They are potent antioxidants found in the retina of the eye. Consuming adequate amounts of these nutrients has been shown in studies to significantly reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration, two very common eye disorders. Both lutein and zeaxanthin are abundant in egg yolks.

    Triglycerides are reduced by omega-3 fatty acids or pastured eggs.

    All eggs are not created equal. The composition of their nutrients varies depending on how the hens were fed and raised. Eggs from hens raised on pasture and/or fed omega-3 enriched feeds have much higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Triglyceride levels in the blood are known to be reduced by omega-3 fatty acids, a well-known risk factor for heart disease. Consuming omega-3 enriched eggs has been shown in studies to be an effective way to lower blood triglycerides. One study found that eating just five omega-3 enriched eggs per week for three weeks reduced triglycerides by 16–18%.

    Protein that is high in quality and contains all of the essential amino acids in the proper ratios.

    Proteins are the primary structural components of the human body. They are used to create a wide range of tissues and molecules that serve both structural and functional functions. Getting enough protein in your diet is critical, and studies show that the currently recommended amounts may be inadequate. A single large egg contains six grams of protein, making it an excellent source of protein. Eggs also contain all of the essential amino acids in the proper ratios, so your body can fully utilize the protein in them. Eating enough protein can help with weight loss, muscle mass gain, blood pressure control, and bone health, to name a few benefits.

    Thank you for reading.