Home Lifestyle Several Ways To Clean Your Ears Without Using A Cotton Bud

Several Ways To Clean Your Ears Without Using A Cotton Bud


Earwax is produced by the body and is also referred to as cerumen. Its primary function is to collect and store bacteria and dirt in the ear canal. Earwax acts as a self-cleaning agent, thus it is not required to remove it from your ear, as stated on the website “WebMD.” If you put anything other than a cotton swab into your ear, you run the risk of causing damage to your eardrum or ear canal.

There are a few alternatives to utilizing cotton buds that can be used to clean up earwax. Instead of inserting something in your ear, which might potentially cause harm to your inner ear and impact your hearing, use one of these efficient ways instead.

1. Oil made from olives

This is one of the most natural home treatments that can be used to clean ears, and it is also one of the most effective methods. Olive oil, in the amount of two to three drops twice a day for around three to four days, can be used to treat blocked ears by simply dropping the droplets into the ear canal.

To ensure that the oil is adequately flushed out of the ear canal, you should always apply it with your head tilted slightly forward while doing so. It is not necessary to insert cotton swabs or other invasive implements into your ear canal because the oil will soften the earwax and make it easier to pull it out on its own.

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2. Hydrogen peroxide.

It is recommended by “Healthline” that you lay down on your side and put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in the ear that is facing up toward the sky. There is no need for alarm because the sound of it fizzing and bursting indicates that it is functioning properly. After allowing it to sit for ten to fifteen minutes, tilt your head over a sink or a bowl in order to drain the remaining solution and any wax that was released from your ear by the treatment.

3. Warm water.

The excess wax can also be removed with the use of warm water. Be cautious to only utilize water that has been purified or filtered. To treat an earache, insert a few drops of hot water from a syringe into the affected ear. Hold it there for one minute, and then tilt your head to the opposite side in order to expel the liquid.

It is imperative that this procedure be carried out under close observation, since failure to do so may result in additional issues affecting the ear. This fragile organ has specific requirements that must be met in order for it to remain in good health.

4. A cloth that is warm and damp.

This is for the areas of your ear that are visible from the outside, which you really need to clean.

Instead of trying to inspect the interior of your ear, run your finger along the contours of your ear while it is wrapped in a warm, wet cloth. You’ll be able to see all the filth that you’ve cleaned out of your ear, which is a satisfying feeling in and of itself, but you won’t put your ear canal at risk.