Home Lifestyle Sets of People Who Are More Likely to Suffer Glaucoma

Sets of People Who Are More Likely to Suffer Glaucoma


Do you know there are some sets of people who are more likely to suffer from glaucoma? Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that causes an increase in the pressure inside the eyes. When people start developing glaucoma, there is often an urgent need to get it treated or managed because an extreme level of pressure can damage the optic nerve leading to complete blindness

In this article in line with a publication on CDC, we are going to have a look at some sets of people who are more likely to develop glaucoma. This is to create an awareness on the need for a regular eye exam because failure to get your eyes checked can make you oblivious of the disease ravaging the eyes. Just sit tight and enjoy this article while learning something new.

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Glaucoma Risk Factors

According to research, anyone can develop glaucoma but it is most common amongst people who are over the age of 40. So if you are older than 40, there is need for you to go for annual eye exam to rule out any risk of glaucoma or any other disease.

Secondly, people who have a family history of glaucoma also stand a very high risk of suffering from the disease. If you have someone in your family who suffered from glaucoma, then you should consider seeing a doctor.

Thirdly, people who are suffering from diabetes also stand a high risk of suffering Glaucoma. Diabetes exposes the eyes to a number of conditions which includes glaucoma, cataract and the likes. So getting a regular eye exam is not an option but a necessity.