Home Entertainment Remember The Lady That Ran Mad After She Was Proposed To, It...

Remember The Lady That Ran Mad After She Was Proposed To, It Was Just A Comedy Skit


The internet has made people go to different lengths, just to be popular and get that game they so desire. They have done a lot of crazy things, pulled a lot of crazy stunts, just to get reactions from viewers.

There is something as going too far, because some people have taken these skits to levels that they shouldn’t, now we no longer know what is a comedy skit and what is real anymore

If you can remember vividly yesterday, a video was shared online, showing the moment a young boy proposed to his girlfriend, and she literally went mad. She was screaming, yelling, and scattering the place and people were scared immediately.

Alot of people said she may have a spiritual husband, some said the boy was a Suspect and many more accusations.

Well sorry to burst your bubble, the video was not real, it was just an ordinary comedy skit made by the lady. The young lady is identified as DhatUrhoboGurl, on Instagram, which was where the video was posted.