Home Entertainment Patapaa Announces Date for Virtual Concert

Patapaa Announces Date for Virtual Concert


Artists all around the world have had to think outside the box to make money, entertain their audience, and still remain relevant in the minds of their fans since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus coupled with its restricted movement and social distancing protocols.

In Ghana, artists have resolved to Instagram live and twitter as a way of staying in touch with their fans. Exceptions like Shatta Wale had a grand faith concert in his own backyard to entertain his fans. Now the Sweduru Superstar, Patapaa Amisty, has also through an interview on Showbiz Daily, announced that his virtual concert for his fans will come off on the 1st of May 2020 and has asked Ghanaians to anticipate and support him when the time is up.

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Like the Faith Concert, Ghanaians are expecting Patapaa to live up to the level set by Shatta Wale, since anything less than that would call for a backlash in spite of the good attempt he may have made. The show which will be held in Sweduru where the artist currently lives will have all the pa2pasojas and Ghanaians entertained one more time as they fight through the hard times.

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