Home Lifestyle Number Of Cloves Of Garlic An Adult, Children, Pregnant Women And Elderly...

Number Of Cloves Of Garlic An Adult, Children, Pregnant Women And Elderly Should Eat Per Day


Medicines are useful only if the dosages are observed. Garlic is a natural medicine, which means it is important to use it correctly. Scientific believe that every day a healthy person should eat at least 1 clove.

It is this amount that allows you to maintain immunity at a high level, have a beneficial effect on blood circulation and increase the overall tone of the body. In the presence of diseases, you can increase the dosage to the maximum recommended. More on that below.

For adults. Adults are recommended to eat an average of 3 cloves per day. The maximum allowable dose is 5-6 cloves of garlic. An overdose can lead to unpleasant and even dangerous consequences. In addition, do not forget that garlic whets the appetite, which is fraught with weight gain.


For pregnant. It is useful for pregnant women to eat garlic only in the first trimester. It acts during this period as a protector – increasing immunity. In the second and third trimester, it is better to refuse spicy spices, as it increases uteroplacental blood flow. In the first trimester, you can eat no more than 1-2 cloves per day.

For nursing. During the breastfeeding period, mothers try to exclude everything spicy and spicy from their diet. For this reason, often garlic supplements in food are not considered at all. But recent studies have proven that the fragrant vegetable does not have a negative effect on lactation.

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For kids. Introducing garlic to the diet of children is not earlier than they are 3 years old. Babies under 3 years old have a sensitive stomach, which can cause pain and even poisoning. Children older than three years should gradually introduce garlic into the diet. Up to 10-12 years, the dose of garlic should be 1 clove 2 times a week. Starting from the age of 12, its amount can be increased, bringing it to the adult norm – 1 clove per day.

For the elderly. American scientists conducted a series of studies and proved that taking garlic prevents age-related memory problems. Beneficial effects are also exerted on other vital organs. In particular, the use of garlic counteracts the negative changes in the intestines that occur with age. It is enough to eat 1-3 cloves per day to maintain a healthy level of intestinal microbiota, the reduction of which is bad for cognitive functions. With the judicious use of garlic, you can improve your health, strengthen cognitive functions and boost immunity.