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Lord Kenya and Okomfour Kwadee Advise on Racial Brutality and the Upcoming General Elections


The “don’t wait for me to die before you show me love” attitude is greatly shown ever since the condition of Okomfour Kwadee came to the public eye.

From Fameye revering him in his song. The recent is a viral video going around on “ghanafuodotcom” of Lord Kenya’s visit to Okomfour Kwadee.

The two were jovially engaged in a conversation. They touched on the racial brutality meted out to African -Americans in the United States. And the upcoming general elections.

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Okomfour Kwadee expressed his profound knowledge concerning both topics. He advised the general public on both topics accordingly.

Lord Kenya encouraged the public and fans of Okomfour Kwadee to pray for the musician.

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