Home Entertainment Kofi Annan Was A Guest At Dr. UN’s Maiden Award Event –...

Kofi Annan Was A Guest At Dr. UN’s Maiden Award Event – Isaac Rockson


Dr. Kwame Owusu Fordjour popularly known now as Dr. UN following his alleged fake awards honoured to some selected top personalities in Ghana has finally been defended.

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On the United Showbiz programme hosted by Nana Ama McBrown, one Isaac Rockson who used to be a communications Strategist and Partnership Commissioner at Rectitude International Mission made some shocking revelation.

According to Isaac Rockson, the late former UN Secretary, Kofi Annan was present at the first awards event organised by Dr. UN in 2014.

“The late Kofi Annan attended Dr Kwame Fodjour’s first award ceremony in 2014. I escorted my boss at Unity Oil who won an award from Dr UN as far back as 2014/2015. Also, MP Fremah Opare and Eastern Regional Minister received awards that year. Dr UN’s intention was to have a link with the United Nations. Our company’s ‘Confederation of Governance Assessment Institute happened to have the same goal as him. I advised him to consult the United Nations about his awards and doing this in Ghana he has to consult the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well.” Isaac Rockson disclosed.

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People have been questioning the credibility of the awards by Dr. UN and labelled him as a fraudster for impersonating the UN for his own gains.

Isaac Rockson in the face of these claims has cleared doubts over Dr. UN’s connection with Kofi Annan.