Home Job Vacancies Ghana Health Service Announces Nationwide Over 200 Positions Job Vacancies Ghana Health Service Announces Nationwide Over 200 Positions By admin - November 7, 2022 897 0 Facebook Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp The Ghana Health Service Announces Nationwide Over 200 Positions (GHS). The Service hereby announces for the information of newly qualified Medical Officers who were recently granted financial clearance and opted to work with the GHS through the Ministry of Health Posting Portal that there are vacancies in the regions as tabled: See Also: Job Opportunity At The Trust HospitalRegionMedical Officer (Medical)Medical Officer (Dentistry)Ahafo8Ashanti226Bono122Bono East10Central176Eastern187Greater Accra8North East8Northern102Oti12Savannah8Upper East122Upper west142Volta153Western18Western North10Grand Total20230Ghana Health Service Announces Nationwide Over 200 Positions – How To Submit An ApplicationSuch Medical Officers may, therefore, visit any region of choice provided there are vacancies and submit their documents (MDC Registration and Medical School Certificates) for placement. by the close of work on Friday, 18th November, 2022. About Ghana Health Service (GHS) The Ghana Health Service (GHS) is a Public Service body established under Act 525 of 1996 as required by the 1992 constitution. It is an autonomous Executive Agency responsible for implementation of national policies under the control of the Minister for Health through its governing Council – the Ghana Health Service Council. READ MORE: Amazing Vacancies announced at UNECAThe Service is mandated to provide and prudently manage comprehensive and accessible health service with special emphasis on primary health care at regional, district and sub-district levels in accordance with approved national policies