Home Lifestyle Everything You Need To Know When You Notice Saliva On Your Pillow...

Everything You Need To Know When You Notice Saliva On Your Pillow After Sleeping


When saliva leaks out of your mouth accidentally, it is called drooling. After a night of sleep, most people find a bit of spit on their pillow. The surprising explanation for why this happens so often will astound you. Those who experience this are all too familiar with the dreaded drool stain on the pillow and the need to clean the mouth upon awakening.

According to medical professionals, what does this mean?

Saliva on the pillow is a common sign of exhaustion and lack of sleep. This is the case if you sleep soundly without having to fight off sleep or awaken during the night. That means your dream went on without any interruptions.

You may have also seen that sleeping on your back results in less saliva leakage than sleeping on your side. Because your saliva pools at the back of your throat and drips down when you sleep on your back, this is the case.

Overproduction of saliva and subsequent drooling can also happen from allergic rhinitis and several food sensitivities.

According to research, periods of acid reflux cause the gastric acid to stimulate the esophagus, which in turn excites the esophagosalivary reflex and causes an individual to produce an abnormally large amount of saliva.

Drooling could also be caused by an infection in the sinuses. Drooling is a common symptom of upper respiratory tract infections, which are also accompanied with difficulty breathing and swallowing, leading to a buildup of saliva.

If your nose is stuffy from the flu, you may find yourself breathing through your mouth more than usual, which can lead to nighttime saliva leakage.

Having sleep apnea could be a problem for you. Sleep apnea is characterized by disrupted sleep, increased respiratory effort during sleep, loud snoring, and/or excessive drooling. Get checked out by a doctor if you’re experiencing any of these.

Expert advice on how to stop drooling in your sleep.

If you’re having trouble falling asleep, try lying on your back. The risk of nighttime drooling increases when you sleep on your side. This is because your mouth is slightly ajar because to gravity, and as a result, drool is collecting on your pillow.

It’s best to inhale via your nose. A blocked nose or sinuses can be a major cause of excessive drooling. As a result, some people may start breathing through their mouths and drooling.