Home Lifestyle Doctors Bowed Their Heads And Paid Respect To An 11 Years Old...

Doctors Bowed Their Heads And Paid Respect To An 11 Years Old Boy, See What He Did (Details below)


Hi readers, at times in life, our sympathy can take us a long way, and what makes us humans is the way we sympathize with others and helps them in their time of need. A young Chinese boy, Liang Yaoyi by name became famous even after his death because of his heroic act.

Liang Yaoyi was a very brilliant young boy back in school days, he was very smart and he was loved by his parents.

At the age of nine, Liang Yaoyi was diagnosed with a brain tumor, Liang Yaoyi had to spend time visiting the hospital, undergoing multiple surgeries just to get better.

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Liang Yaoyi at the hospital

Despite the pain he went through every day, he remained positive, he kept on fighting, enduring, and persevering. Even with his brain tumor, he managed to celebrate his eleventh birthday. Things weren’t getting any better for Liang Yaoyi as his condition grew worse than it’s the previous state.

Seeing that he may not make it, Liang Yaoyi called for his mum and made one last wish. He told his mum that in case he doesn’t make it, his body parts and organs should be donated to those who’ll need it to survive. His mother including the doctors was baffled by his wish, knowing that he was just a kid, how did he get smart enough to think of donating his organs.

Liang Yaoyi later died from his tumor and his wish was granted, the doctors which were touched by the act of Liang Yaoyi and paid respect to him by bowing to his lifeless body.

Liang Yaoyi wanted to become a doctor when he grew up, knowing that his health condition would cut his life short, he didn’t let it stop him from saving others. His organs were donated and he saved lives even after his death.

That touching moment shows the doctors paying respect to the body of Liang Yaoyi while his mum could be seen standing and crying.

Doctors bowing to Liang Yaoyi after he was taken out of the surgical room, the arrow is pointed at his mum who could be seen crying.

Liang Yaoyi may be gone but part of him still lives in others, he died and gave others the opportunity to live. The actions of little Liang Yaoyi proved that there are still people out there who are compassionate and willing to help others in need.

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