1. Constantly checking on you through text or social media
It’s not cute for your partner to keep tabs on you every half-hour by faking a conversation just to know where you are and who you’re with.
2. Telling you who you can and can’t be friends with
They’re “looking out for you” because that guy/girl is “trouble,” so you shouldn’t hang with them anymore. It sounds innocent enough on paper but in reality your partner could be isolating you, gaining more control over your social life.
3. Gaslighting
Most people won’t realize their partners are gaslighting them right away, but it’s crucial to be aware that this is psychological manipulation. Making you question your memory and sanity not only marginalizes legitimate problems but starts turning you against yourself; and, of course, they become the only person you can trust
4. Excessive promising
These will almost always be empty promises. Don’t fall for them just because they’re saying what you want to hear. And don’t give them a chance to make the same mistake twice.
5. Making it about “us” when it’s really about them
Hiding behind the relationship isn’t only cowardly but incredibly manipulative. It masks a partner’s selfish behavior and implies that if you disapprove then you’re against the relationship as a whole. Don’t fall for the bluff.
6. Stonewalling
When a partner stops talking or messaging another they’re well aware of the emotional distress this will cause. Don’t fall for their radio silence—they’re trying to get you to come crawling back into the palm of their hand.