Home Lifestyle Best Ways To Increase Sperm Count Naturally Without Taking Drugs

Best Ways To Increase Sperm Count Naturally Without Taking Drugs

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A sperm count of 15 million or less per milliliter implies that a male may have trouble impregnating a woman, as stated in an article published by medicalnewstoday. This article will examine the most effective methods for enhancing sperm quality.

1. Fenugreek supplementation

Fenugreek can increase sperm count in men with low sperm counts. The chemical furosap, found in abundance in fenugreek seeds, has been demonstrated to improve both the quality and quantity of sperm.

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2. Eat lots of vitamin D-rich foods.

Low vitamin D and calcium levels in men have been linked to poor sperm quality. It is essential to take calcium and vitamin D supplements or eat foods high in these nutrients.

3. Take care to eat enough of foods high in antioxidants.

Diets high in antioxidants can protect against cell damage caused by free radicals. Beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein, and vitamin C are all nutrients that can be obtained from diet. Foods rich in these compounds are a great source of antioxidants.

4. Follow a diet high in unsaturated fats.

Consuming foods high in polyunsaturated fat is important for sperm development because it helps the membrane develop normally. Scientists have determined that these fats are omega-3 and omega-6.

5. Reduce your intake of soy and other foods high in estrogen.

Research has linked reduced testosterone and sperm production in males to a diet high in soy products, which contain plant estrogen. Synthetic estrogen has been identified at extremely high concentrations in some canned goods. Negative effects on a man’s fertility are possible.

6. Ensure that your body has an adequate supply of zinc and folate.

Taking dietary supplements containing both folate and zinc has been shown to improve sperm quality, according to research.