Home Lifestyle 5 Things Women Enjoy But Won’t Tell You

5 Things Women Enjoy But Won’t Tell You


Women are one of the most beautiful creatures created by God and as such, they are meant to be loved and take care of.

There are some certain things women love and enjoy generally, but they won’t tell you as they feel it is not romantic or rather not just their way of life.

Most men don’t actually know this and as such they may end up doing the wrong things in the process of caring for them.

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So because of that, I decided to put up this article to highlight 5 things women enjoy but won’t tell you.

1. When you keep their company.

2. When you call them often. Women naturally loves a guy who gives them attention and often call them to ask if their well being. Despite the fact that women love it when a man calls them regularly, they will never ask for it as they believed it is more romantic for a guy to do it willingly than when they asked for it.

3. When you treat them like a baby.

4. When you play rough with her.

5. When you spend and give her money. Love in another term means giving, so one of the things women enjoy but won’t tell you is when you spend money on them and get them to gift occasionally.