Home Entertainment 20 Days To The 2020 Election, Nigel Gaisie Drops New Prophecies

20 Days To The 2020 Election, Nigel Gaisie Drops New Prophecies


Nigel Gaisie has dropped a list of prophecies for Ghana and we all need to pray about these prophecies.

The prophet who Is the founder of the Prophetic Hill Chapel and also the lead pastor of the church hadn’t relented in sending prophecies to Ghana.

Some days ago, he scolded Ghanaians for not taking prophecies seriously, as he claims that they don’t pray about it, that’s why evil things happen in our country.

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This time he has released prophecies that will make people pray about it, for the election he revealed that there is a secret agenda to rig the election but he didn’t mention which party, but he has urged us to be watchful during the election period.

The Ghana election which is just 20 something days ahead, has kept everyone in high anticipation we all really need to be watchful.

Photo used for illustrative purpose

He also added that he sees crisis in Ghana Police service spiritually, he didn’t mention what type of crisis he saw. But he was sure he saw crisis in the service. Among various prophecies he released, he said he saw France crying, we don’t know what will make them cry but all we can do is pray that God doesn’t allow any of these doom prophecies.