Home Lifestyle 7 Causes of Mucus in Urine and What to do

7 Causes of Mucus in Urine and What to do


According to Medical News Today – The presence of mucus in urine in most cases is normal, as it is produced by the urinary tract to coat and protect against infections. However, when there is an excessive amount of mucus or when changes appear in its consistency or colour, it may be indicative of some urinary or intestinal alteration, since sometimes the mucus may originate in the intestine and be eliminated in the urine.

The presence of mucus can make the urine look cloudy, but the most reliable way to evaluate the existence of mucus is through a urine test, the EAS, which checks the presence of mucus filaments in the urine, the quantity and if there is any other alteration. To do this exam, it is important to clean the genital region, discard the first urine stream and collect the second.

As in most cases, the presence of mucus filaments in the urine is normal, treatment is not necessary. However, if other alterations are verified in the urine or the presence of symptoms, the doctor may recommend the use of antibiotics or specific medicines according to the cause.

1. Normal urinary mucus

Mucus is a natural substance of the organism and has as one of its functions, to protect the urinary tract, since it allows the elimination of infectious agents that may cause infection.

What to do: when the amount of mucus is moderate, has a thin, clear appearance and is not very thick, or when the urine test only mentions mucoid filaments with no other findings, it is likely to be a normal situation and thus usually no treatment is needed.

However, if the mucus appears in great quantity or if it has other characteristics, such as being thicker, cloudy or coloured, it may mean an infection or other disease, and in these cases it is important to consult the gynaecologist, urologist or general practitioner so that the alteration may be investigated and the adequate treatment may be initiated.

2. Pregnancy

The presence of mucus in urine is common during pregnancy, since during this period there are hormonal variations, besides the loss of nutrients and minerals in urine, which makes it cloudier. Besides, in the last weeks of pregnancy, it is possible to notice an increase in the amount of mucus produced, which indicates that the organism is preparing for childbirth.

What to do: in most cases, discharge is normal during pregnancy, however, any alteration in its quantity, consistency, colour or odour may suggest some alteration and it is important to consult a gynaecologist.

3. Urinary Infection

Mucous can also be present in case of urinary infection, being more common when the infection reaches the urethra, being known as urethritis. Besides the mucus in the urine, it is common for other symptoms to appear, such as pain and burning when urinating, difficulty to start urinating and a sensation of weight in the bottom of the belly.

What to do: if a urinary infection is suspected, one should consult a urologist, gynaecologist or general practitioner as soon as possible, to confirm the diagnosis and start treatment, which is normally done with antibiotics.

Besides this, drinking at least 2 litres of water per day, hygiene from front to back, peeing after sexual intercourse and avoiding unprotected sexual intercourse, helps to complete the treatment and prevent new urinary infections.

4. Sexually transmitted infections

Some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can cause excessive mucus production due to irritation and inflammation of the genital area. Besides, in these cases, it is common for other signs and symptoms to appear according to the infectious agent responsible, such as yellowish, greenish, white or grey discharge, which may smell bad, besides pain and burning when urinating, abdominal discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse.

What to do: in the presence of signs and symptoms possibly indicating an STI, it is important to consult an urologist or gynecologist, so that it is possible to make a diagnosis and initiate the most adequate treatment. It is also recommended that the partner also undergoes the treatment according to the doctor’s orientation, even if there are no symptoms, so that it is possible to prevent reinfection.

5. Kidney stones

The presence of kidney stones most of the time does not cause any symptoms, because they are naturally eliminated in the urine. However, there are situations in which the stones, when eliminated, get stuck in the urinary ducts, which causes the kidney to produce mucus to try to unblock the system.

Besides mucus in the urine, the stones stuck in the canals cause other symptoms, such as frequent urge to urinate, pain in the lower back and difficulty to urinate, besides nausea, vomiting and blood in the urine.

What to do: as soon as the first symptoms of a kidney stone are felt, it is important to see a urologist to start the adequate treatment, which varies according to the size of the stone. If it is very big, surgery is indicated, but if the stone is small it may be enough to drink a lot of water or take medication, according to the doctor’s indication, which facilitates the elimination of the stone through urine.

6. Bladder cancer

Although it is rare, the presence of mucus in the urine can be one of the signs of bladder cancer. However, in this case, mucus is accompanied by other signs and symptoms such as blood in the urine, difficulty and pain when urinating, the need to urinate more often, abdominal pain besides weight loss for no apparent reason and generalised tiredness.

What to do: when these symptoms appear, mainly weight loss and fatigue, it is necessary to quickly seek the advice of a urologist because besides being a serious situation, the sooner the cancer is diagnosed and treated, the greater the chances of cure.

7. Intestinal diseases

Some intestinal diseases, such as ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel syndrome, can lead to increased production of mucus by the intestine, which can be eliminated either in the faeces or in the urine.

What to do: if any intestinal alteration is suspected, it is recommended to see a gastroenterologist to make the diagnosis and start treatment. Depending on the cause, the treatment can be done with medicines to delay the progression of the disease or others to control the diarrhoea, as well as vitamin supplements and the adoption of a diet to avoid fatigue and anaemia.

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