Home Entertainment Young man enjoys the rollercoaster on a spinning tomb at a Ghanaian...

Young man enjoys the rollercoaster on a spinning tomb at a Ghanaian cemetery [Video]


A young man has been sighted in a viral video enjoying the smooth ride on a spinning tomb at a Ghanaian cemetery where he had gone with his friends to bury their deceased friend.

Ghanaians love to decorate the dead and everything that comes with it; from coffins, funeral procession, and now the new trend, a spinning tomb which many have probably not seen before.

The young man who probably sighted the spinning tomb for the first time decided to throw away the sorrow and have fun as he sat on the tomb and made his friends spin for him.

The young man enjoyed the smooth rollercoaster on the tomb as he conversed with his friends who were also filming and laughing at the same time.

After he enjoyed the ride for some time, his friends helped bring the spinning tomb to rest.

Watch the video below;