A y0ung m@nin lov3 has just received the most embarr@ssing moment of h!s lif3 after the wom@n h3 lov3s and has been d@ting rej3cted h!s propos@l in publ!c.
From the video, the gvy and h!s girlfr!end caus3d some re@ctions at a cr0wded place as he propos3d to h!s girlfr!rend.
All h!s thought was lik3, sh3’ll say YES but unfortunately for the gvy the l@dy declin3d the Will you marry me? propos@l.
The l@dy didn’t only declin3 h!s propos@l but also went along to disgr@ce h!m by w@lking out of h!m.
It was very b!tter for the gvy and h3 couldn’t stand up from the kn33ling position. H3 was dumbf0unded and I’m pr3tty sure h3 will have hims3lf to be blam3d.