Home Lifestyle What To Do When Somebody Suddenly Collapses And Stops Breathing

What To Do When Somebody Suddenly Collapses And Stops Breathing


Imagine finding yourself in a situation where someone suddenly collapses in front of you, gasping for air, and then stops breathing altogether. This is a terrifying scenario that requires an immediate response to potentially save a life. Knowing how to act in such an emergency can make all the difference between life and death. In this article which is in accordance to medicalnewstoday, we will discuss the steps you should take when encountering someone who has suddenly collapsed and stopped breathing. 

1. Assess the Situation

The first step is to quickly assess the situation to ensure your own safety and determine whether the person is in immediate danger. Look around for any potential hazards or objects that could cause harm, such as a busy road or open flames. If it is safe to approach the person, do so cautiously while keeping an eye out for any signs of danger.

2. Check for Responsiveness

The next step is to check if the person is responsive. Tap their shoulders gently and ask loudly, “Are you okay?” If there is no response, move on to the next step. If they respond or show any signs of consciousness, such as moaning or moving, call for medical help immediately and let them know the situation.

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3. Call for Help

Once you have established that the person is unresponsive, call for medical help right away. Dial the emergency services hotline in your country (such as 911 in the United States) and provide them with accurate and concise information about the situation. Stay on the line, as they may ask you additional questions or guide you through life-saving techniques.

4. Begin CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)

While waiting for medical professionals to arrive, CPR is crucial in maintaining the flow of oxygenated blood to the vital organs. The primary goal of CPR is to keep the blood circulating throughout the body until help arrives. Remember the ABC of CPR: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation.

First, open the airway by tilting the head back and lifting the chin. This will help to clear any obstructions and allow air to pass through. Next, check for signs of breathing by looking for chest rise and fall or listening for breath sounds. If the person is not breathing, it is time to start chest compressions.

Place one hand on top of the other, interlacing your fingers, and position them on the center of the person’s chest, slightly below the nipple line. Fully extend your arms and use your body weight to compress the chest at a depth of around two inches. Perform compressions at a rate of 100 to 120 per minute, allowing the chest to recoil completely between compressions.

At regular intervals, provide rescue breaths by tilting the head back, pinching the nose shut, and covering the person’s mouth with yours, creating an airtight seal. Deliver two breaths, each for about one second, and observe for chest rise. Continue this cycle of compressions and breaths until professional help arrives or the person shows signs of recovery.

5. Use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

If an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is available nearby, someone should retrieve it. An AED analyzes the person’s heart rhythm and delivers a shock if necessary, attempting to restore a normal rhythm. Follow the AED’s instructions carefully. If a shock is advised, ensure that no one is touching the person and clear the area before pressing the shock button.

6. Emotional Support

During this time of crisis, it is essential to provide emotional support to the person who has collapsed and their loved ones. Stay calm and reassuring, helping them understand that help is on the way. Encourage bystanders to offer assistance, whether it’s helping you with CPR, finding an AED, or comforting the family members present.

7. Continuing CPR

If the person remains unresponsive after the first cycle of CPR and use of the AED, it is crucial to continue providing CPR until professional help arrives. Even if the situation feels overwhelming or exhausting, maintaining consistent CPR efforts can help keep the person alive until more advanced medical interventions can be performed. Remember, the chances of successful resuscitation decrease significantly over time, so every second counts. It is also important to note that even if your CPR attempts are unsuccessful, they are not in vain as they provide the person with the best chance of survival.

Being prepared for emergencies can help you save a life when someone suddenly collapses and stops breathing. It is vital to assess the situation, call for help immediately, and begin CPR as soon as possible. The importance of early intervention cannot be overstated in increasing the chances of survival. By following these steps, you can become a capable first responder and make a difference in someone’s life during an emergency.