Home Lifestyle Use This Easy Chinese Technique To Prevent A Heart Attack

Use This Easy Chinese Technique To Prevent A Heart Attack


You are on your own. No one is present, maybe in an elevator or a bathroom at home. You begin to feel sick to your stomach, dizzy, lightheaded, sweaty, and uncomfortable in your left arm or jaw. How do you behave?

You definitely don’t want to panic since it would just make the situation worse. However, there is a Chinese breathing technique you may do to potentially save your life if you are experiencing a heart attack. It is known as the Haku breathing technique.

You’ll take a big breath in while saying “Ha” like the letter “ah,” then you’ll exhale while saying “Ku” like you’re coughing. Therefore, this is how the technique will seem. When you pronounce Ha, you should take a big breath in, and when you say Ku, you should exhale as if you were coughing.

So, you’re undoubtedly wondering how this potentially life-saving technique operates. It concentrates on forcing oxygen into the lungs. It can assist to push the oxygen-rich blood toward the heart during this workout, which is exactly what we need during a heart attack or cardiac arrest. With this breathing method, we aim to press the heart to pump more blood.

The procedure will increase the blood’s oxygen saturation, which can significantly aid in the patient’s survival. I want to emphasize that, in the majority of circumstances, this strategy does not replace receiving the appropriate medical care, whether that means calling an ambulance or traveling to the hospital. Therefore, please practice this strategy and be prepared in advance since we never know when crises may occur.