Home Lifestyle Treatments to help strengthen the pelvic floor muscle which surround the vagina

Treatments to help strengthen the pelvic floor muscle which surround the vagina


Kegels may help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

According to Medicalnewstoday, the pelvic floor muscles surround the female genital. These keep the genital, womb, bladder, and rectum in place. As these muscles loosen, the genital can feel less tight.

There are exercises that can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. These exercises can make a difference to how the genital feels and improve overall health.

Strong pelvic floor muscles can help prevent incontinence and organ prolapse, which occurs when organs slip out of place.

Kegels are the most common type of pelvic floor exercise. They are discreet and straightforward to do using the following steps:

1. Find the right muscles: When urinating, try to stop the flow of urine. The muscles you use are the pelvic floor muscles. However, regularly doing Kegels while peeing can be bad for bladder health.

2. Choose a time: Pick a quiet moment to relax and concentrate on gently squeezing the pelvic floor muscles.

3. Hold: Once contracting these muscles feels natural, squeeze and hold the position. Gradually, try to hold the squeeze for 10 seconds.

4. Release: Release the muscles for 3 seconds.

5. Build: Build up to repeating this exercise 10 times in a row.

The rest of the body should feel relaxed. Do not contract other muscles, such as those in the stomach or buttocks. Breathe as usual while doing Kegels.

Aim to do 2–3 sets of 10 Kegels three times each day. As with all exercise, it can take time to build up strength, and it may take up to 6 months to notice a difference.

Some mobile apps can help track pelvic floor exercises. Also, there are some devices that a person can insert into the genital to aid in these exercises. Only use devices designed for this purpose. Some of these devices also track muscle strength.

A doctor may suggest using electrical stimulation to contract the pelvic floor muscles. This involves inserting a sensor into the genital. The sensor gives out a small electrical current that contracts the muscles to strengthen them.

Surgery is an option, but doctors usually only recommend it after pelvic organ prolapse. A surgical procedure can return the bladder, genital, and rectum to their original positions in the body.

There is no scientific evidence that medication, including creams, can tighten the genital.