Home Entertainment Thank Me For Reviving Your Dead Career – Kofi Asamoah Hits Back...

Thank Me For Reviving Your Dead Career – Kofi Asamoah Hits Back At Bisa Kdei


Kofi Asamoah is not giving up until Bisa Kdei accepts that he is suffering from post-failure trauma.

The back and forth began when Bisa blamed the media for contributing to his downfall in the music industry in a Q&A session on Twitter.

READ ALSO: Bisa Kdei apologizes to the media for blaming his ailing music career on them

The ‘Mansa’ hitmaker in an interview on Accra Based Neat Fm, lambasted the movie director for making such an ‘unfortunate’ statement towards him adding that he is very senseless for claiming he is going through post-failure trauma.

Kofi Asamoah reacting to Bisa Kdei’s comment disclosed that Bisa should rather be thankful to him for reviving his dead career.

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Kofi Asamoah added Bisa Kdei should not take his comment personal and that he is a fan of Bisa Kdei but he should try to do away with his pride which is affecting his success in the music fraternity.

Do you agree with Kofi Asamoah saying that he has helped revived his Career?

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