Home Entertainment Netizen Screams As Kisa Gbekle Shares Fresh Video To Flaunt Her Ghc60K...

Netizen Screams As Kisa Gbekle Shares Fresh Video To Flaunt Her Ghc60K Body On Social Media


Kisa Gbekle is recorded to have stated in some interviews that the major reason why she decided to surgically enhance her body was that she did not like how she looked after she gave birth to her son and also, she wanted to catch the eyes of many folks whenever she stepped out.

Well, it has been just a few months since she did the surgery which is reported to have cost her over Ghc60K and already, it appears she is getting the needed attention online.

Anytime, Kisa Gbekle has posted a fresh video in recent times, a lot of the folks who comment on them have focused on her new body and how they so much love it.

Just yesterday, Kisa shared a fresh video flaunting her huge back in a tight dress. Some netizens who could not believe that all that dunna is hers were in the comment section screaming and asking if all that dunna was her.

See the comments and the video below