Home Uncategorized Mzbel plays an audio of a woman who bashes Tracy Boakye in...

Mzbel plays an audio of a woman who bashes Tracy Boakye in her video


Following the insults Tracy Boakye rained on Mzbel, a lot of people have expressed how disappointed they are in Tracy Boakye.

Mzbel has also replied Tracy Boakye in her current video. In the video, Mzbel plays an audio of a lady seriously admonishing the act of Tracy Boakye.

The unknown woman states categorically that Tracy is a barbarian and she is not the only one who has a building in East Legon and sleeps with a rich man.

She again indicated that Tracy uses blackmail to get all her possessions.

The anonymous woman stated that karma will catch up to Tracy Boakye soon.

The woman urged the leaders of Ghana to stop dating Tracy Boakye.

It looks as if the anonymous woman was doing all the talking for Mzbel. Later in the video, Mzbel disclosed the woman’s name in the video as Auntie Diana.