Home Entertainment Lady Flaunts Her Heavy Bust As She Challenges Pamela Odame With Her...

Lady Flaunts Her Heavy Bust As She Challenges Pamela Odame With Her Bust


A beautiful woman with her heavy bust identified as Patricia has hit the internet with her stunning photo, challenging well known heavy bust Pamela Odame.

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Patricia has caught the attention of most social media users with her new post. The photo that has caused controversies on social media has a young lady flaunting her heavy breast which looks heavier and bigger than the breast of Pamela Odame

Pamela Odame is popularly known for her heavy breast and tiny waist. She is known for flaunting her breast.

It appears there’s someone else who has taken the title from Pamela Odame.

See her post below…

Source: Nsemwokrom

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