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Ladies who appear on Date Rush are likely to suffer from mental illness – Counselor Lutterodt (video)


Controversial counselor, George Lutterodt has opined that ladies who appear on TV3’s famous reality show Date Rush to look for love are likely to suffer from mental illness.

According to Counselor Lutterodt in a discussion with Graphic Showbiz, it is not right for a lady to appear on national tv or a live feed feed on Facebook in the name of looking for a man to settle down with.

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Counselor George Lutterodt
Counselor George Lutterodt

From his point of view, most of the ladies who will get rejected on Date Rush will suffer social stigma which will lead to depression, and the worst of it all could be mental illness.

He authoritatively said Date Rush is nothing but glorified prostitution.

The popular marriage counselor, Lutterodt, seems to be among the very few Ghanaians who are against the show being aired on Tv.

Watch the video below

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