Home Entertainment Kumasi has a language , this is not Shatta movement but Kumerican...

Kumasi has a language , this is not Shatta movement but Kumerican movement—Papa Kumasi


The term Kumerica has taken Ghana by storm. It is on the lips of almost every Ghanaian. People have created merch and visas for this movement.

A group of youngsters started this movement. But Ghanaian actor, Papa Kumasi in an interview revealed that the term was there long ago. He indicated that Kumerican is a pure Kumasi blood.

He further stated that Kumasi has a language aside from the Asante Twi. The actor disclosed that it is a language the people of Kumasi have created where they speak backwards with the combination of English and Twi.

Further, he admonished all those not from Kumasi but making music about the movement to stop. Papa Kumasi indicated that Shatta Wale should call him for a feature if he wants to do music about Kumerica. Because this is not Shatta movement but Kumerican movement.

In his final words, the actor stated that they have a pure Kumerican song which he will release next week Friday.