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“I can’t even walk well” – Mintah Akandoh explains why Ursula Owusu sat on his laps in parliament


The NDC MP who Ursula Owusu-Ekuful sat on his laps, Kwabena Mintah Akandoh – the Member of Parliament for Juaboso Constituency in the Western Region has spoken after the rare photo went viral.


You are not new to the news that Ursula Owusu earlier in the day caused a stir when she chose to sit on the right with the NDC after her party chose to sit on the left instead of confronting NDC.

Ursula Owusu who is the Minister of Communications and the MP-elect for Ablekuma West constituency decided to rather sit on the laps of some NDC MP’s despite calls by her party leadership.


Hon. Mintah Akandoh has explained that Ursula claimed he was seated on her chair and instead of discussing with him, chose to sit on his lap which he greeted.

It was observed that the NDC MP hardened up and could not move around freely after the Hon. MP got up from his laps.

“When the NPP MPs came in, they saw that we were on the right side so they went to the left but Ursula refused.

Cletus Avoka was sitting down and decided to go to the washroom, by the time he came back Ursula had taken his seat.

We tried to persuade her but she declined. She also left the seat and I sat on it. When she came she just sat on my lap.

She didn’t say anything to me, she just sat and I didn’t say anything”, he explained.

Source: Ghpage