Home Entertainment ‘I can’t believe am HIV positive’ Young man exposes his status on...

‘I can’t believe am HIV positive’ Young man exposes his status on social media day after results


People don’t really admit to having the virus although there are ways to counsel oneself after getting the results. A young man used social media crying out that he can’t believe he contracted the virus. These days people tend to lose hope the minute they realize they have the virus.

The stigma people give around our community has caused the majority of the people to fail to take their meds. This happens a lot since people can’t handle the stigma around friends and family. Men question themselves a lot about how are they gonna fall into a relationship once again.

This then forces the majority to keep the secret from their next partner. Without even knowing the status of that same person. Thinking that once he or she infects the other partner they will stay in that relationship. Not realizing that the same person could be the one bringing different sicknesses without knowing.

Social media followers tipped this man off after sharing what he’s currently going through.