Home Lifestyle Here Is Exactly How Much You Have To Walk To Start Losing...

Here Is Exactly How Much You Have To Walk To Start Losing Weight According To Health Experts


The amount of calories that can be burn while walking depends on two factors: your body weight and walking place. You will burn 400 calories in one hour if you are walking with average speed of 4 miles per hour. So, you don’t need to walk only 4 miles in one day. You can walk additional 3 miles and burn 300 more calories that day. You can also walk a shorter distances, all you need to do is to adapt it with your schedule. Pedometer will assist you to burn more calories while walking and implementing your daily plan.

If you know how many miles you are walking in one day, you will know how many more you will need in order to burn additional calories. You will know if you need to make longer steps or distance through the day in order to notice an improvement in the number on the scale.

In case you are having 8,000 steps in your daily routine and still maintain the body weight, the number of steps that you should add in your daily routine is only a mathematical problem.


Most of the people need to have 2000 steps in one mile in order to burn calories and lose weight. You can burn 100 calories in one mile. Pedometer will monitor your steps, noting how many calories are burnt and how many miles you walked that day. Some extra working out is not necessary. All you need to do is to add more steps in your daily routine.

1 Mile = 2.000 steps and 100 calories burned

1 Pound – 3.500 calories

Losing 1 Pound of weight weekly = 500 calories daily

You will need to have 10.000 steps on a daily basis in order to lose 1 pound in a week.

Here are some tips how to adapt your walking when you have a busy day if 10.000 steps seem too much walking (you can start slowly and lose less weight and then increase the number of steps to 10.000).

Don’t use the bus always, you can walk to your home or work, or you can simply get off the bus on the halfway of your destination.

Walk with your children to school. If you have more sophisticated pedometer you can check the number of pounds you lowered or how many calories you have burned. This info will give you the exact picture of what you achieved with your walks.

Invite your friend or someone from your family to join you in your walks. They may walk with you once or twice a week, but they will still inspire new things in your daily walking routine. Even if you have strong will, the same walking routine could be very boring. This must not happen.

Change your routines and make it as exciting as you can.

If you intend to walk for exercise you should concentrate your eyes 100 feet forward, hold your chin up, squeeze your glutes and tighten your abdomen in the same direction with your spine. This way you will have optimum results from your walking.

How Often Should You Walk? If you seriously intend to begin with this daily walking routine, you should ask your doctor for an advice, in order to tell you if you are healthy enough to stand this activity.

Once your doctor approved, you should first walk three days in a week for 15-20 minutes. Then, step by step you should raise the walking routine until you walk 30-60 minutes every day of the week.

You will find that this is the easiest and the best way to lower your weight without any particular diet regime.