Home Lifestyle Five Mistakes We All Make When Using Our Smartphones

Five Mistakes We All Make When Using Our Smartphones


You should keep it close for an alarm or just for safety reasons to monitor the consistency of your sleep. The mobile phone isn’t a good companion in sleep, though! As well as bedtime, your phone will hurt you in more ways than you know during the day.

1. Sleeping with it

A cell phone is basically an electromagnetic transmitter and receiver. That means it emits radio waves. Although it’s not been proven yet, research continues to show how the waves may affect your brain after being exposed for long hours. It can wake you up with notifications during your sleep cycle, to say the least. If it’s impossible for you to turn it off completely or keep it in another room while you’re asleep, try keeping it on aeroplane mode.

2. Being exposed to blue light for too long

The light from your phone suppresses melatonin, the hormone that controls your sleep cycle which is another reason you shouldn’t be near it when you sleep. Blue light also induces headaches and vision and hearing problems. Try resetting the light levels on your phone and turning on the blue light filter.

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3. Using it with a low signal

When you see a weak signal on your phone, it actually means your phone is putting out a stronger signal as a transmitter, and more energy from your cell phone means more harm to your health. Dr Devra Davis, the author of Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Is Doing to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family, recommends using a landline or to keeping the phone as far away from you as possible when the signal is low. It also causes your phone to heat up which is another danger.

4. Keeping it in contact with your skin

There are many studies focusing on the relation between mobile phones and cancer, specifically their 900 MHz transmitting signal, which makes your phone get hot. Each time you hold it close to your body, the skin absorbs the heat quickly in tiny bits. Although there are no other confirmed effects of radiofrequency radiation on the human body, we know for a fact that when you maintain some space between you and your phone, the absorption ratio decreases dramatically.

Remember to use a microphone or speaker when talking to your cell, to prevent it from reaching you, and if you don’t have it, use it for the least amount of time away from you.

5. Looking at the screen with bad posture

It is known that the use of mobile phones causes thumb injuries such as tenosynovitis. Another cell phone health condition is called the “text neck.” As the name suggests, the stress on your cervical spine increases gradually when you bend your neck forward to look at the screen.

And as time passes, the weight your neck feels maybe 5 times more than your actual head weight. This causes neck pain and posture abnormalities. Place your phone at eye level, holding your back as straight as possible.

Maybe you’re using your cell phone to read our article! Prepare a checklist to correct your mistakes and don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments with us.